October 18, 2024

Charlie Oscar Presents: From Last Click to Full-Funnel Attribution

Dan Wilson
Chief Data Officer

At our inaugural Charlie Oscar Presents event, Dan Wilson, our Chief Data Officer, shared his thoughts on a critical issue that many marketers face: the limitations of last-click attribution and how it can undermine confidence in investing in upper-funnel strategies.

As brands increasingly shift toward full-funnel attribution, understanding this transition is vital for driving growth and optimising marketing performance.

The Challenge of Last-Click Attribution

He highlighted that many brands tend to overinvest in bottom-of-funnel digital channels, primarily due to the appeal of easy-to-track metrics that skew decision-making. This overreliance on last-click attribution can hinder confidence in allocating budgets to upper-funnel activities, leading to a distorted view of their true value.

As seasoned marketers, we are all too familiar with this challenge. While there is an instinctive understanding of the importance of upper-funnel activities—such as brand awareness and engagement—decisions are often constrained by the available data. When last-click metrics dominate insights, it becomes challenging to justify budget allocation toward channels that do not deliver immediate conversions.

A Holistic Approach to Measurement

He emphasised the importance of creating additional data that provides a more comprehensive view of overall channel performance. This new data does not replace conversion tracking; instead, it complements it. Conversion tracking remains essential, but it should be part of a broader measurement framework.

By implementing a full-funnel impact analysis across all channels, brands can achieve a different perspective on relative performance. Techniques like A/B uplift testing or Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM), as employed in Charlie Oscar's COmpass tool, enable marketers to accurately assess the true value of channels such as YouTube and TikTok.

These platforms serve distinct purposes compared to search or affiliate channels, and it’s crucial to measure their effectiveness based on their unique capabilities. This shift in perspective empowers brands to understand how upper-funnel investments can drive long-term value.

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Last-click attribution could be costing you growth.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Embrace Full-Funnel Attribution: Move beyond last-click attribution. By tracking the full-funnel impact of all channels, marketers can identify each touchpoint's true contribution to the customer journey.
  2. Utilise A/B Testing and MMM: Leverage methods like A/B uplift testing and Marketing Mix Modelling to gain insights into channel performance and incrementality, providing a nuanced understanding of how different marketing efforts work together.
  3. Value the Unique Roles of Each Channel: Recognise that not all channels are designed to drive direct conversions. Understanding the specific strengths of platforms like YouTube and TikTok and measuring them accordingly is essential.
  4. Combine Data for a Holistic View: Use a combination of traditional conversion metrics and new data sources to create a comprehensive view of performance. This holistic approach informs smarter budget allocation and strategy development.

Transitioning from last-click to full-funnel attribution is not merely a challenge; it's an opportunity for marketers. By redefining how to measure and evaluate marketing channels, brands can enhance their confidence in investing across the entire funnel. As we continue to equip brands with the insights they need to succeed in this transformative digital era, it is essential to remember that effective marketing goes beyond immediate returns; it involves building lasting relationships and brand equity.

For those looking to elevate their marketing strategy and understand the true impact of their investments, exploring the COmpass tool can provide invaluable insights. 

Dan Wilson
Chief Data Officer
charlie oscar