August 23, 2024

Cuppa 15: Peloton, 2022 trend reports, User generated content, Food delivery apps

Sasha Jeppesen
Head of Creative

Welcome to the latest issue of Cuppa, a quick-fire newsletter for internet-first brand builders. Filled with analysis on the art, science and culture of building breakout brands in a digital age, it's quick enough to read over a cuppa. (Or something stronger, no judgement). To get it direct to your inbox every other Tuesday, subscribe here.


Peloton claps back

*Major SATC spoiler alert*

If you're a Sex and The City fan, you've probably already binged the first two episodes of the show's revival. And after viewing, like me you probably couldn't help but wonder: why did they feature Peloton in such an unflattering way? To be shown as the cause of a main character's death could have been pretty damaging to Peloton's brand, but instead, they clapped back in the best way - just watch the ad, its *chef's kiss*. I live for marketing moments like this because they remind me of what good advertising is all about - being timely, and most importantly, entertaining.

Thursday and HomeExchange recreate The Holiday

Speaking of being timely and entertaining, dating app Thursday once again created marketing gold with their latest campaign to “recreate The Holiday." Yep, they sent two people on a home exchange to find love in a new city - aka every girls festive holiday fantasy. Each of the winners then captured their journey's on Instagram (@camillewyand & @lizziefrainier) for people to follow along, and it would be an understatement to say everyone was invested.

Responding to a niche vs. having universal appeal

Is it realistic for just one brand to squash a category giant? This thought-provoking article from ThingTesting explores the fast ascending D2C underwear brands nipping at the heels of Victoria's Secret, and how collectively dominating in their respective niches might really be the answer to ending a monopoly business.

Will Web3 empower us to loosen the reigns on brand?

I've been grappling with this idea for a while. Over the years we've become masters at curating and controlling a brand image across every channel. Even in peak influencer era we've regained control of the broadcast by meticulously selecting the talent we work with, essentially buying our way into what we believe is the “right” community. However as Web3 ushers us away from "user-created content" to “user-owned content,” we're going to have to drastically let go and allow communities to own and build brands alongside us, with or without our permission. For a good example of what this looks like, make sure to read the section of the article that explores Bored Ape Yacht Club.



An app to help drive loyalty and increase order value

Studies have found that members of paid loyalty programs are 60 percent more likely to spend more on the brand after subscribing. With this in mind, the founders of successful referral app, Conjured, have now launched a 'memberships' app to help D2C brands easily offer perks to their members, like free shipping, exclusive content, and exclusive discounts.

Tips for how to get quality UGC

Penned by Savannah Sanchez (TikTok Ad Creative Expert & Media Buyer), this handy twitter thread provides tips on how to find good UGC content creators and editors. The TDLR: run “test projects” before committing to creators, build long-term relationships with the creators you trust and like most things it costs money for quality output so don't waste time of Fiverr or Upwork. Make sure to scroll through the rest of Savannah's feed, she has countless tips on how to create high-performing social ads.

Jodie shares 3 tips on how to quantify customer love to investors

Do you have fanatical customers, but find it hard to measure and demonstrate this aspect of your brand when pitching to investors? You're not alone! To give you the intel on what investors are looking for, we passed the keyboard over to our very own investor, Jodie Miller, who shares 3 tips on how to best quantify the strength of your fanbase!

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This tourism campaign for Sweden is so good  

Ever wondered how Ikea comes up with names for their smorgasbord of products? Me too. But all has been revealed thanks to a new tongue-in-cheek campaign launched by Visit Sweden that reminds people that "these names of waste bins, sofas, bath towels, block candles and shelf systems" are, in fact, real places. Also a great proof-point to the cultural power the Ikea brand holds.

DELLI is here to shake up the food delivery scene

For all our London readers and foodies, I have some exciting news: DELLI, the new food marketplace app from the founder of Depop, has officially soft launched! If you sign up to their waitlist you'll soon get access to the beta version of their app. With exclusive “drops” like chilli oil and dumplings, handcrafted by local dumpling master Carol, I feel like DELLI is going to inject a lot more love and community support into London's food delivery scene.  

The ultimate 2022 trend report folder

Love them or hate them, trend report season has arrived! Here is a google drive folder that has collated the best of the best to save you from scouring the internet! From Pinterest's 2022 predictions to Falcon's digital marketing trends, there's something to spark inspiration for every team member.

Sasha Jeppesen
Head of Creative
charlie oscar